Refund / Return Policy

Refund / Return Policy

The returned goods/products will be checked with the receipt together and the goods should be in the good condition. The packaging should also be in original condition in original shipping container as received. If the goods/products has been used or damaged by the customer, there will not be any refund. Timeless Beauty Wellness will also not be responsible if your shipment is lost during the return transit. Once we have checked and confirm the goods/products, customer will received their refund within 7 days after the confirmation.

Please return your purchase to the following address:

Timeless Beauty Wellness

No. 92-2 (1st Floor),

Jalan Radin Tengah,

Bandar Baru Sri Petaling,

57000 Kuala Lumpur. 

Please contact us at [email protected] or +6017-6309098 if you have any questions or doubts.